As a new blogger, I suppose that someone is going to read my posts at some point. In such a case, I will attempt to make my posts at least a bit entertaining. I am a high school student, saved by the grace of God alone through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. I enjoy and believe a number of things, but they strangely seem to contradict with the thoughts of most people I know. For example, I really love to watch and follow Michigan football, but I live in a land full of those Ohio State Buckeye fans. Doesn't really match. I love listening to classical music(the centuries-old music from Beethoven and Mozart, and the modern classical from Aaron Copland and Philip Glass), but everyone around me thinks that to be "too boring". They, of course, prefer the absolute "
genius" of contemporary rock, pop, and rap music. That music is just too complex for me. I love to sing the hymns of old in church, such as the works of giants Issac Watts, Martin Luther, and Charles Wesley- while my peers prefer the modern choruses written by what's-his-name just a few years ago. Don't get me wrong- many choruses have great truth in them, and are fun to sing-but they just don't have the same depth as the hymns. I come under fire every once in a while for my theological beliefs, of which I will not delve into now. Perhaps now you might understand why I really feel like I am "holding down the fort" or "swimming upstream". I guess that is just the price to pay for being right:)